Saturday, October 25, 2008


It's never easy to say goodbye to a pet, but when you've had that pet for 22 years it's more like losing a member of the immediate family. My mother-in-law called today to let us know that Greg's oldest feline sibling was no longer with us. To my cat-in-law, Pooh, you were a great kitty, and I'm glad I had a chance to feed you roast beef and let you torture our pup. We'll miss you so much!


tank said...

Sorry for your loss. :(

Supermom said...

22 years is a LONG time!! That's a lot of years for the precious cat to leave an impression on your lives. I'm very sorry for all of your family's loss. :(

Susan said...

She was bit by a snake when she was a young kitty, they always joked that it was the rattlesnake venom that was keeping her going. Every year somebody would comment that she probably wouldn't see another Christmas, and everybody else would just snicker and say, "Yeah, right." She ran a household of 4 other kitties, one of which was a cocker spaniel, who probably won't know what to do without her.

From the Doghouse said...

I'm sorry. I know pet losses hurt.

black betty said...

i'm so sorry to hear sympathies to the family. :(

The Topiary Cow said...

Aw, so sorry.

Am sure kitty had a wonderful life with you though...with all the treats and comfort she could have wanted.


dhcoop said...

I'm so sorry, Susan.