Tuesday, September 9, 2008


There's a big bake sale going on at the hospital today. Who are they raising money for? The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi.

Having eaten some of the fudge they were selling, I suspect their true mission was to increase funding by increasing their patient base. Excuse me now, I must go fall into a sugar-coma.


mayberry said...

I doubt they could have raised much money by offering to stick peoples' fingers for a dollar.

Susan said...

Yet, in the long run, that may be exactly what they're doing... (Said while eating a brownie, followed up with a bite of Greg's fudge that I had to take away from him after lunch!)

CluckyRN said...


Nectar of the Gods, Indeed.

For you:

You're welcome. I smell a road trip ~:>

From the Doghouse said...

Isn't that kind of like hookers promoting abstinence?

Susan said...

Doggie - I'd say it's a lot like that!

Clucky - that's just plain AWESOME. Flamingo's planning world domination!