Thursday, May 15, 2008

Professionalism. We Haz It.

I'm about to go to a special faculty meeting to determine our fellowship candidate rank order. We have 12 candidates and 4 spots. We have to rank them in order of preference then hope they rank us as well so we will all get matched up during the big hoopla day next month when the magical computer sorts the national database and determines who gets to go where.

Meanwhile, I have 3 different preliminary rank lists which are all drastically different. I have at least four faculty members with very different opnions of what we are looking for in a candidate, and about six other faculty thrown into the mix who I have yet to hear from. Boss #3 is going to be running this little gathering today and has started referring to it as the faculty food fight. Sigh.


From the Doghouse said...

Let me guess; the winner is ultimately decided by rock, paper scissors.

Susan said...

In hindsight, I think that would have been a better plan than the way we do it.

My plan was to put all the names up on the marker board and throw food at them. We then rank them based on who has the least amount of condiments covering their names. Boss #6 liked that plan, but was concerned about the clean up.