Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Who Needs a NOAA Radio?

I didn't get much sleep last night, in small part due to the weather and in much larger part due to my organic weather radio, that big ball of psychosis we call the pup. When he was a much younger pup we had to be careful when the weather got nasty because he liked to jump up in his (metal) swing and bark at it. I never said he was a brilliant pup. Later it became less of an issue, as we couldn't force him out the back door when the weather was bad. we could barely pull him out from under my bed. Come to think of it, that was probably after Katrina/Rita. These days he just freaks out. Whining, yelping, running up and down the hallway, under the bed, on the bed (which is forbidden), scratching on the door, wants out, won't go out, if I put him out he tries to take the door down to get back in.

To make it worse, Greg's sick. He pretty much slept from 6:30pm until... well, he was up long enough call in sick right before I left this morning, but I haven't heard from him since. Naturally, Casper chose this night to decide to harass Greg on his side of the bed for a change. He NEVER does that, he always comes to my side. So at times when I would normally ignore him in the hopes that he would go away, I ended up getting up and fighting the temptation to strangle him so he wouldn't wake Greg. At 4:30am I decided the bad weather was done and threw him outside. Weather radio off.


mayberry said...

Poor Greg. Poor pup. That's why I have cats. Outside cats.

Susan said...

Casper would die if he was an outside pup. He'd probably die from injuries related to throwing himself against the back door.

From the Doghouse said...

When know when ours wants to come in; we hear this loud snuffing sound coming from the door crack.