Sunday, February 24, 2008


It's, week 3 and I've continued working on my flower bed. Three weekends in a row is some serious progress for me! Here's what I accomplished:

Spread Dirt - check.

Some of the bulbs I had tried to kill off survived, which is good since my overall plan has changed. They will fill in until I can get all my azaleas.

Since I didn't need to buy any more dirt this week, I spent my gardening money on some new tools.

New clippers and gloves - check.

And finally, I was surprised to find the little buds I'd been watching had hatched already. I wasn't expecting to see these guys for a few more days.

Greet the first blooms of spring - check.

The first one was beaten up a little in the rain Thursday night, but it was the first to fully bloom, followed by the one by the mailbox. There are 2 more buds ready to go at the mailbox. I love daffodils, probably because they are the first sign of spring! All of my daffys came from my grandmother's house. I talked to Mom this morning and she said Grandma's yard was pretty much solid yellow with daffys already.