Thursday, November 1, 2007


Somebody important (i.e. not me) must blog from work, because 24 hours later the ban has been lifted.

I find this very strange, to be honest. At my last job they had online activity locked down so tight that I couldn't get to the IRS website at one point (I was trying to get the updated tax law changes for a client!). We couldn't get any outside web based email, no blogs, no nothing. When I came to work here it was weird to be able to get to pretty much anything. It's even weirder to have something blocked, then have the block removed! That would never have happened at the bank.


Stacey said...

haha, I remember the first time I tried to access blogs at the bank and I was blocked for "general pornography." I FREAKED OUT. I thought someone was tracking it and I'd get kicked out for trying to look at nekkidness.

I always found it odd that Amazon wasn't blocked. I definitely updated the heck out of my wish list while I was there.

Susan said...

We called it the "Red X of Death." The warning that popped up when they blocked the IRS was "games and music." That cracked me up. The IRS certainly likes to play games with us, but I wasn't sure where the music came in!

Amazon was the only shopping site that wasn't blocked. Eventually it went away too. Can't say blocking stuff increased our productivity any, but it sure made us more creative in finding things to do online!

From the Doghouse said...

The balloon lifted the ban.

Supermom said...

sometimes a super hero cape comes in very handy

Susan said...

I need to get me one of those capes.

mayberry said...

She's back! Glad they lifted the ban.