Sunday, October 14, 2007


How is it that somebody who just doesn't shop has so much STUFF? I started trying to clean house this weekend an am overwhelmed by stuff. Every room in my house has clutter everywhere, but I don't hardly ever buy stuff! Where did it all come from? There's a table in our office that I use for crafty stuff. It's a full size dining room farm house table, which is big enough to house my sewing machine and leave room for scrapbooking and such. I can't even find my sewing machine. It's hidden under about a foot and a half of stuff piled across the table. I have 3 closets of clothes, but more often than not I have nothing to wear. Half of it either doesn't fit, is nice suits leftover from my banking days, or I don't have anything to match. Yet even when I sort and throw stuff out, I still have a house full of stuff left!

That brings me to the decision I faced earlier today. I have this pair of pajama pants, red plaid. I've had them since 1996. The cuffs are frayed completely through and there are holes in several seams. I still wear them on occasion, but I also have a couple of other pair that I wear more often. This one should be easy. Throw them out. The problem is that this pair of pajamas was the very last thing my Granny Butler bought for me before she quit recognizing me. She died in 1997. In 10 years I haven't been able to throw out that pair of pajamas. And didn't do it today. I think I'm beginning to realize why I have so much stuff. For everything I throw out, I've got 3 things I'm emotionally attached to!


clstigger said...

Wow I understand that. I have that same problem. Just thank goodness we don't live in the same house anymore.

Susan said...

I did throw out 2 garbage bags of crap last night, and have one bag of clothes that need a new home. And I haven't even gotten to actually sorting through the closets yet!

There really shouldn't be anything left at the house after selling so much crap on Ebay, 2 garage sales, and the massive clean out last spring, yet there it all is...

clstigger said...

we are thinking of having another sale but i guess we will wait until Spring if you want to do a joint one again. is the clothes anything that Chelly could use?

Susan said...

I will only agree to another joint yard sale if i get a signed and notarized statement from you that it will not SNOW this time! =)

So far the clothes are stuff that people gave to me that I wouldn't be caught dead wearing myself, much less let Chelly wear!

Actually there are a couple of pair of pants that are very suddently too small that she might could wear. The red Melanie-pants and the fishie capris. Haven't actually cleared the closets yet, may be more stuff appropriate for her in there. I'll put aside anything that might work for her.

Webmaster said...

Try moving once or twice. Makes it so much easier to let go.

Susan said...

You would think, but I moved literally every 1-2 years for the better part of 10 years. I swear we moved the same stack of boxes without ever unpacking them at least 3 times! I guess it's worse now that I've been in one house for 5 years.

clstigger said...

I agree on that snow thing. That was a cold morning.

Susan said...

That wasn't cold. That was SNOW.