Monday, October 29, 2007

Dinner - UPDATE

The only problem with having a big yummy salad with yummy chicken on top for dinner is that by approximately 7:32pm I'll certainly be starving again, and will proceed to devour the bag of Halloween chocolate that my evil husband opened and left within arms reach of where I'm sitting RIGHT NOW. What? It's 7:32pm? Excuse me, I have an appointment with Mr. Butterfinger.




Stacey said...

Ooohhhhh, bad, bad Greg. BAD Greg.

Susan said...

Thawt's waa i swaid (chompchompswallow). He's just plain mean (shovelshovelgobble) sowmtiwmes.

Supermom said...

nothing an extra 2 hours DDR won't take care of

Susan said...

If I'm going to get in an "extra" 2 hours, we gotta start earlier!

I told Greg last night, after buying a 3rd bag of chocolate at Walmart (we now have the mix bag that's half eaten, a big bag of Skittles, and a big bag of peanut butter cups), my new plan was that the first 3 kids at the door get an entire bag of candy each, and then it's gone. Out of sight, out of tummy!

mayberry said...

I love Butterfingers......mmmmm....

From the Doghouse said...
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From the Doghouse said...

Forget the Butterfingers; leave those for the kiddies. Instead, get some Hershey bars, put them in the fridge long enough to get chilled, then break off the pieces and dip them into the peanut butter jar.

It's as addictive as anything I've found.

mayberry said...

DANG DOGHOUSE! Wish I hadn't come back to read the comments again! I'm gonna have to try that.

From the Doghouse said...

Mayberry, I promise you will alternate between praising me and cussing me for turning you on to this.

Susan said...


Why is that the men seem to insist on creating more temptation??

Greg said...

Pretty sure I DIDN'T open the bag of Reese's.

Webmaster said...

And so it starts. First, Halloween candy. Second, Thanksgiving feasts. Third, Christmas candy. Fourth, New Year's party food.
Oy. It's going to be a downhill slide till February.

Susan said...

But Greg did SUGGEST the peanut butter cups for dinner!

From the Doghouse said...

I'm sure he was just thinking of all the protein you'd be getting!