Friday, July 20, 2007


Happy Birthday to my most wonderful husband!

I'm sure he is sick of hearing that, because he would just as soon ignore his birthday as celebrate it, but I happen to be a HUGE fan of the birthday. It's the one holiday every year that belongs to you alone. Well, you and your mom. I always like to get my mom a little something for my birthday, since really we're celebrating the fact that she did all the work, and because of that, I turned out perfect. But that aside, it's not like the other big holidays that you share with everybody else with national or worldwide celebration. Nope. This day is all about Gregrey Scott Hall (and of course Terri, for doing all the work!).

We started celebrating last night with the first gift, he took off work today and I'll be leaving early so we can go out for birthday dinner and he'll get his gift from me tonight, then tomorrow is the grand finale with lasagna dinner celebration at his parent's house (yum yum!). So for a man who isn't big into birthdays, we're having a three day celebration! I love it.


Greg said...

63 days to go....

Susan said...

I added a counter. HA! It doesn't quite fit, but I couldn't get it any closer. And honey, pigs don't have ears!

Casper said...

What's all this talk about a trip? We going on vacation? What's this beach place? Will I like it?

Greg said...

Sorry'll have to deal with defending the backyard and keeping JR entertained....

Casper said...

I'm a hard working pup, I deserve vacation too!